Metal Industry & Stainless Steel Books
The following list of books has been recommended by our technical team as well as visitors to our site. At present, they can be purchased from Amazon by clicking on their respective hyperlink below. Should you have a book or source that you would like to recommend, please send details to the webmaster .
Introduction to Stainless Steels
Avoids most of the advanced technical aspects, language, derivations, and premises to present an introduction for readers new to metals entirely or to stainless steel in particular. Discusses what stainless steels are and what they do, their history, some metallurgical principles, principles of corrosion, measuring significant properties, making the steels, metallurgy and the properties of wrought stainless steel, fabrication, cast stainless steels, corrosion resistance, and applications. Appendices explain how to identify stainless steels already in service, toxicity, and equivalent designations

Press Brake Technology: A Guide to...
This comprehensive book presents information in a non-machine specific format and establishes a base line reference, using the application of basic mathematics, trigonometry, and geometry to select die widths, establish precise bend deductions, and other aspects of press brake operation.

CASTI Handbook of Stainless Steels
This is the only up-to-date (1999) reference book that covers both stainless steels and nickel alloys. Written by 30 authors and peer reviewers with over 700 years of combined industrial experience, this CASTI handbook provides the latest stainless steels and nickel alloys information in a practical and comprehensive manner. For the project engineer, maintenance engineer or inspector, this book provides solutions to many of the corrosion problems encountered in aggressive environmental conditions. Some of the corrosive conditions covered are: stress corrosion cracking, reducing environments, halogenation, highly oxidizing environments, and high temperatures. Hundreds of different material applications and selections, throughout many industries, are referenced. It is an ideal reference source to assist in preventing or minimizing corrosion related problems, including those encountered during welding fabrication. This practical handbook also contains a handy "Alloy Index" which lists each alloy by its ASTM Specification, UNS Number, common name, trade name and page number references. This book is available in print and as an Acrobat PDF e-book on CD-ROM which is fully searchable, hypertext linked, with each page printable.

Alloy Digest Sourcebook: Stainless...
This reference documents ferrous alloy development as presented in Alloy Digest since 1952. Its concise data sheet summaries (which run about two pages) provide material composition, properties, heat treatment, fabrication characteristics, product forms, and applications. Following a general overview of stainless steels, the subsequent nine chapters examine the various families--wrought austenitic, martensitic, ferritic, duplex, and precipitation-hardenable grades, and cast corrosion-resistant and heat resistant, powder metallurgy and hardfacing alloys, and iron-based superalloys

Welding Fabrication and Repair:...
Focusing on real-world fabrication problems and the development of problem-solving skills, this guide to welding describes a broad range of methods from different welding specialties. It also provides a brief review of the non-welding knowledge that welders need to advance their trade. Written in question-and-answer format, and thoroughly illustrated, the book discusses fabrication, pipe and tubing, bending and straightening, vehicle welding, welding problems, strength of materials, and materials suppliers.

This book is essential for the novice because you get everything from instruction to reference material. It contains safety information, step-by-step instructions and reference material that a novice may never be able to find otherwise (such as recommended initial dynamic pressures for various tips and actual color pictures flames from different gas mixtures). There are some typos and it's a little tough finding certain things by index, but you should be reading the whole section anyway. You should certainly read this book before purchasing any equipment or performing any welding at all; it could save your paycheck, your project or even save your life!

This book, in a way, is for both the beginner and the professional. The author includes a lot of helpful information for the beginner. He starts with simple and complete description of all kinds of tools that are used in fabricating metal. He starts with hand tools, moves to power hand tools, and then ends with large equipment. In the next chapter the author describes the types of metals needed to fabricate reliable auto parts. That was a good chapter. After wards, there is a chapter for each, gas welding and electric welding. The following two chapters are about basic metal forming and hammer forming. Both of those chapters are good and give a basic understanding of how metal is shaped. There are five more chapters about sheet metal add ons, roll bars, tanks, exhaust headers, and sheet metal interior. All of those chapters were a little hard for me to follow, but I think a professional would like those chapters

I found this book the very best covering creating complex metal forms out of flat metal sheet. Anyone interestaed in forming unique parts or limited series sheet metal products will find a wealth of information. Anybody interested in Aircraft construction and repair, automotive prototypes, racing cars and compond-curve fabrication will find this book of extreme interest. Did you ever wonder how those beautiful streamlined surfaces on boats, yachts, aircraft and racing cars are made today? There are two possible answers: fiberglass or sheet metal. I can guarantee that skilled craftsmen can produce those beautiful forms, faster, stronger and cheaper with metal than with fiberglass!

Marine Corrosion of Stainless Steels
This book presents updated views of marine corrosion of stainless steels and covers the fields of materials selection, testing and experience, and protection and monitoring.

Specification for the Design of Stainless Steel Structural Members..
ASCE’s standard Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members (ASCE 8-02) provides design criteria for the determination of the strength of stainless steel structural members and connections for use in buildings and other statically loaded structures. The members may be cold-formed to shape from annealed and cold-rolled sheet, strip, plate, or flat bar stainless steel material. Design criteria are provided for axially loaded tension or compression members,...

Foseco Ferrous Foundryman's Handbook
Intended for professionals who make iron and steel castings, this reference book gives specifications for grey, ductile, malleable and special irons as well as for carbon, low alloy and high alloy steels. The 20 chapters describe melting practice, metal treatment and metal handling methods together with details of mold and core making and coating practices. The running, gating and feeding of iron and steel castings with and without metal filters, and the use of computers for the optimization of feeder design, simulation of solidification and mold filling are also covered. A non-ferrous handbook dealing with aluminum, copper and magnesium casting alloys is published separately.

Stahlschlussel/Key to Steel...
An international, multilingual reference to German steels and steel suppliers. For those who already know the German Material Number of the steel they are seeking, a section provides an exact material analysis and a code number of the supplier of the steel. The pages following the technical data for groups of steels contain columns of suppliers' addresses, telling which supplier supplies what steel under what trade name. The pages following groups of foreign steels contain tables providing a direct comparison between the most common types of international steel. The Code Number Index for German suppliers, including their full addresses, is followed by a detailing of available forms of delivery. Tabbed sections, spiral bound, in a heavy vinyl cover.
